Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zogby: loses all credibility

For years the Zogby poll has been a favorite of Republicans because it has been known to skew to the right in its results. There was a brief period there just after 9/11 when things changed a bit, given that John Zoby is of Arabic origin, and he became an outspoken critic of anti-Arab sentiment in the U.S. for a time. But now it looks like Zogby is back to his old tricks. A blogger on Daily Kos discovered recently that Zogby was engaging in the most illegitimate form of polling there is: push polling.

Today, I got my first survey, and the questions are a bit peculiar:

If you knew Barack Obama supported a plan to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants would you be
Much more likely to vote for him
Somewhat more likely to vote for him
Somewhat less likely to vote for him
Much less likely to vote for him
It doesn't change my vote
Not sure

If you knew Barack Obama supported a plan to provide Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants, would you be
Much more likely to vote for him
Somewhat more likely to vote for him
Somewhat less likely to vote for him
Much less likely to vote for him
It doesn't change my vote
Not sure

If you knew Barack Obama supported a plan to give government health care coverage to illegal immigrants, would you be
Much more likely to vote for him
Somewhat more likely to vote for him
Somewhat less likely to vote for him
Much less likely to vote for him
It doesn't change my vote
Not sure

So Zogby is now officially a hack, and not apollster at all. Let's hope the msm picks up on this and stops quiting his polls as if they were anything other than propaganda (don't hold your breath, though).

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