Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Jeremiah Wright Treatment

Let's give Sarah Palin's pastor the Jeremiah Wright treatment, shall we? I mean... fair's fair.


Jonathan Rank said...

Ezekiel 25:17 as read by Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, only replace the words "brothers" with "Alaskans".
-Speed Ball

Anonymous said...

I am f'ing outraged.... pass this one to everyone you know... if its true that is... wtf!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, it's true all right. You can find it by going to the church website and dowloading the sermon here. That is... until they take it down.

Anonymous said...

The problem here is, that unless one takes the time to listen to the sermon in it's entirety, than one is totally hearing these words out of context. If we do not take time to listen to something or read something completely, in the correct context, then the true meaning is completely lost and left to anyone's interpretation. Let's fully educate ourselves and not jump to conclusions.